How can you expect your clients to invest their money in you if you don’t take the time to make photography business investments yourself?

I mean really, right?! Think about that for a minute. How can you expect your clients to invest in you, if you don’t make photography business investments yourself? This sentence speaks so much truth.
Photography business investments mean that you believe so much in what you’re doing, that you go the extra mile. You learn the newest things and you put yourself out there. YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Your investments show that what you are doing MATTERS.
Now, I’m not saying you need to go out and buy the most expensive equipment or invest thousands of dollars each month on a glamorous studio. But there are areas in your business where you need to create space for a little time and/or money investment.
Photography Business Investment #1 Education
One of the BEST photography business investments you can make is EDUCATION. Some great education options are:
tuning into live webinars
reading books
attending workshops
booking a mentor session with someone you look up to as a business owner
Investing in your education will only make you stronger, more confident, and more skilled at what you do. It’s so easy to get into the headspace where we think we can figure things out on our own. Sometimes this might be true! But as soon as you start believing that you know it all, that’s when your business will decline. Why wouldn’t you spend a little extra time learning something that could save you a whole bunch of time? It’s a no-brainer for me. Whatever investing in your education looks like for you, do it. And do it often.
Photography Business Investment #2 Online Presence
This is HUGE you guys. Especially in the modern, tech world we live in. This business lives on the internet. Whether it’s your Instagram, blog, website, Facebook, Pinterest…invest here. 80% of my bookings come from Google, and my name popping up in a Google search bar did not happen overnight! In fact, I invested so much time digging into the SEO of my website and blog! I took a course on SEO and had my assistant implement all the knowledge we learned along the way. I’ll be honest with you, it took YEARS to rank on google! But you know what? All that time, energy, and money paid for itself in just the first few bookings that I received from Google.
Another worthy investment for photographers is Instagram. Invest time on the ‘gram figuring out how to attract your ideal client. I’d also recommend taking the time to make sure your feed looks on-brand and curated.
Investing time into your website is another biggie. I recommend writing compelling, beautiful, and/or educational blog posts. Whatever it is that drives your business, invest in it. And invest hard.
Photography Business Investment #3 You
Most photographers use the same equipment, the same actions in Photoshop, the same presets, heck even the same website template! But no other photographer or business owner will ever be the same as you. So why not nourish that and invest in your own personal growth in order to wake up every day as your best self? Invest whatever you need to get yourself there. People can sense when someone isn’t being authentic, or real. Don’t be that person! At the end of the day, your clients are investing in you…not your fancy camera, not your thought-out instagram feed, but who you are as a person and what you can bring to their lives.
Whatever investing in yourself looks like, do it. Whether that’s creating time and space to do the things that set your heart on fire, investing in a workshop to bring out the radiant creativity in you, or even just allowing time during your day to go to a yoga class or spend time in the sun. Whatever that looks like for you, do it. Trust me you are worth it. And. your clients will think so, too.
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