Almost every photographer I’ve ever met offers mini sessions at some point in their career. Mini sessions can be a great way to make a little (or A LOT) of money quickly, but they also can get exhausting – especially if mini sessions make up the bulk of your business!
I’m always trying to find ways to serve my clients that are both profitable and sustainable. But the truth is, doing mini session after mini session will turn to boredom for your clients and burnout for you!
So just how do you offer mini sessions while keeping your photography business sustainable, all while making sure your clients come back for more?
Here are my top three tips for offering mini sessions that are not only profitable, but are all but guaranteed to sell out every time.
Differentiate Mini Sessions from your Standard Offerings
If your mini sessions don’t look and feel different from your other offerings, clients will be confused about what they’re getting out of the service. Think about it this way: you’re not replacing their regular session with a mini session…you’re offering it as a BONUS to their regular session. Minis are great for holidays, special occasions, or little in-between ages for kids, but they’re different from a full-sized session. Wondering what the best way is to make your mini session stand out? Check out the next tip…

Choose a Theme for your Mini Sessions
Choosing a theme for your mini session will help distinguish it as a limited-time offer, and allow you a chance to market the session to your clients as something truly special. Showing people examples of what your mini session theme will be will help them understand the difference between your special offer and your regular services. For example, for a Mother’s Day mini session, build a special set and show it off in your promo materials so clients can visualize how beautiful it will be. Or for a shoot outdoors, give a family you know a few digitals in exchange for being your models at a test-shoot in the exact location you plan on shooting at. Use these images to market your mini sessions and you’ll be shocked at how quickly they will sell out.
Offer Products
By now, you probably know that I’m a HUGE advocate for selling your work as ART. If you aren’t selling your images and offering artwork options, you’re missing a huge opportunity for both serving your clients and making more money in your photography business! Which is why when I offer mini sessions, I always go beyond digitals and include an option to purchase artwork as well. You can even add to the exclusivity of the session by offering a product clients can’t get at a regular session, or giving a small discount (remember, we’re trying to stay profitable, so think 10% or less!) on artwork when they get digitals from the session.
All in all, mini sessions can be a GREAT way to make money in your photography business… IF you do them right! There can be a lot of pressure – especially for new photographers – to offer a lot of sessions for not a lot of money, but that’s just not sustainable for you or your business.
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